
Sirius, renowned as the most luminous star in the night sky, deceives the naked eye by appearing as a solitary point of light when, in fact, it is a binary star system. Inspired by this duality, our project bears the name Sirius, capturing the essence of folded instances that give the illusion of being a singular entity.


Sirius is an open-source constraint-system-agnostic folding framework for Incrementally Verifiable Computation [IVC].

Within the context of an IVC scheme, the prover's role is to demonstrate that, upon consecutively applying a step function F exactly n times to an initial value $z_0$, the result is $z_n$. Here, the step function F takes two inputs $z_i$ and $w$, and yields an output $z_{i+1}$.


The Sirius folding framework is designed with a three-tiered architecture.

  • Frontend Layer: This layer serves as the interface for various constraint systems, including Plonk, R1CS, and AIR. It's engineered to allow developers to work with their preferred constraint systems. User-defined circuits and witness data are converted into an intermediate representation format defined by the folding scheme. Our current implementation follows the Special-sound interactive protocol [SPS]. An alternative scheme would be the Customizable Constraint Systems protocol [CCS].

  • Folding Scheme Layer: At the heart of the framework are the folding schemes IVC that accumulate the computations of multiple steps. At each step, the prover first calculates the instance-witness pairs from the previous step and folds them into the accumulator, then computes the cross terms and error vector for the folded instance-witness pairs. An IVC circuit then takes the outputs from the prover and performs the following steps: apply the step function F, fold the previous step's instance into the accumulator instance, and verify the inputs of the IVC circuit.

  • Backend Layer: The backend leverages Polynomial Interactive Oracle Proofs (PIOP) and Polynomial Commitment Schemes (PCS) to generate zkSNARKs for succinct and zero-knowledge verification. Polynomial relation checks of the IVC decider are converted to the multi-variate sum-check protocol. The evaluation phase of the sum-check protocol depends on the polynomial commitment scheme we choose (e.g. Hyrax). It is worth noting that when the polynomials are sparse, we can use the Spark compiler [Spartan] to handle them efficiently.


The estimated timeline is subject to change.

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